1, Open up XD

2, Set the layout size as H500/W500

3, Go to the tool bar

4, Select the circle drawing tool

5, Draw a circle

6, Set the circle size into W50/H50

7, Change the color of the circle into #E31919, uncheck the boarder

8, Draw a W19/H98 rectangle A

9, Make the rectangle A vertical

10, Drag it under the circle alignly

11, Change the color of the rectangle A into #6123ED, uncheck the boarder

12, Copy and paste rectangle A twice

13, Set the newest two rectangle into W13/H70

14, Set the color of the newest two rectangle into #E31919

15, Make both of them vertical

16, Drag one of them to the left side of Rectangle A

17, Drag another one of them to the right side of Rectangle A

18, Make the top part of all three rectangle aligned horizontaly(Don't mind the bottom part)

19, Set the space between each rectangle into 6

20, Copy and paste any of the red rectangle twice

21, Set the two newest rectangle into W13/H120

22, Set the color of the newest two rectangle into #E31919

23, Make both of them vertical

24, Drag both of them under Rectangle A

25, Drag one of them to the left side of Rectangle A

26, Drag one of them to the left side and make it aligned vertically with the red rectangle that above it

27, Drag another one of them to the right side and make it aligned vertically with the red rectangle that above it

28, Make both of their top part aligned with the rectangle A's bottom part horizontaly

FINAL, Select all 6 graphics put them in the center of the layout